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International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo



Decisions of Senate and Rectorate

  1 - Decision on Establishment of Double Diploma Coordination Center - DDCC

  2 - Decision On adoption of the Internationalization Strategy 2024

  3 - Odluka o postupku upisa, izgledu i sadržaju i načinu vođenja registra studijskih programa 2023

  4 - Odluka o postupku upisa, izgledu i sadržaju i načinu vođenja registra studijskih programa na IUS-u (2018)

  5 - Decision on forming the Team for developing guidlines and procedures for inclusion of students with disabilities 2023

  6 - Decison on Adoption of Integral (Harmonized) Versions of Curricula and Syllabuses/Odluka o usvajanju prečišćene (integralne) verzije nastavnih planova i programa

  7 - Decision on Amendment to the Decision on Appointment of Curricula Committee

  8 - Decision on establishment of SDG Executive Committee at IUS

  9 - Decision on procedures for Developing, Adopting and Implementation of IUS Strategy

  10 - Odluka uspostavljanju IUS casopisa 2

  11 - Odluku o osnivanju Ureda za osiguranje kvaliteta

  12 - Decision on shifting of all mobility programs until spring 2021

  13 - Decision on Student Survey Through the Student Information System


  15 - Senate Decision on urgent measures during the period of suspension of regular in-class teaching at IUS

  16 - Senate Decision on Grading System

  17 - Decision on the cumulative criteria for internal student transfers at IUS

  18 - Decision on internal transfer quotas for spring semester

  19 - IUS Publication Registry Decision

  20 - Odluka ECTS 2016

  21 - Senate Decision on Grade "I - Incomplete"

  22 - DECISION Bologna Framework for Grade Distribution

  23 - Decision on issuing Diploma and Diploma supplement to IUS graduate students

  24 - Saglasnost za angažman člana akademskog osoblja na drugoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
