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International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo


General IUS Regulations

Students' Study Rules and Regulations

  1 - Pravila studiranja za prvi i integrisani ciklus studija 2024

  2 - Pravila studiranja za treći ciklus studija 2023

  3 - Pravila studiranja za drugi ciklus studija 2023

  4 - Decision on Scholarship Criteria for the Second Study Cycle/Odluka o kriterijima za dodjelu stipendija za drugi ciklus studija

  5 - Book of Rules on Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications

  6 - Odluka o školarini i drugim troškovima studija na IUS-u - 2024/2025

  7 - Decision on establishing Minors Advisory Committee (MAC)

  8 - Rulebook on Organization of the Distance Learning at IUS

  9 - Rules on academic failure at IUS

  10 - Pravila o akademskom neuspjehu na IUS-u

  11 - Pravilnik o dodjeli stipendija studentima prvog ciklusa studija na IUS-u

  12 - Decision on scholarship criteria for II cycle of studies

  13 - Book of Rules on Participation in Exchange Programs

  14 - Pravilnik o bitnim elementima ugovora o studiranju IUS 2018

  15 - Study Rules for the Third Study Cycle at IUS

  16 - Study Rules for the Second Study Cycle at IUS

  17 - Study Rules for the First and Integrated Study Cycle at IUS 2024

  18 - Conditions for Attending Summer Schools at Other Higher Education Institutions

  19 - Internship Report Template

  20 - Book of Rules on recognition of passed examinations and of their equivalence at International University of Sarajevo

  21 - Decision on amendments of the study rules for II and III cycle of studies

  22 - Internship Rules and Procedures

  23 - Section of the Statute which is regulating students disciplinary matters

  24 - Odredbe Statuta kojima se reguliše disciplinska odgovornost studenata

  25 - Decision on amendements to the Study Rules - MINOR DEGREE- CHANGE OF THE ARTICLE 43

  26 - Decision on cancelation of scholarship in case of transfer to another program

Academic Staff Regulations

  1 - Instruction on Establishment and Maintenance of Electronic Registry of Curricula and Syllabuses

  2 - Uputstvo o uspostavi i vođenju elektronskog registra kurikuluma i silabusa

  3 - Procedure on Academic Appointments and Promotion in Scientific Fields

  4 - Procedure on Academic Appointments and Promotion in Artistic Fields

  5 - Policy on part-time lecturers at IUS

  6 - Academic Staff Evaluation

  7 - Book of rules on publishing activities at IUS

  8 - Procedure on Academic Promotion at IUS

  9 - Senate Decision on Extension of Definition on Published Scientific Papers

  10 - Book of Rules on Procedure Effective Teaching Processes of the Academic Staff at IUS

  11 - Decision on Amendments to Register of Scientific Publications at the International University of Sarajevo

  12 - Pravilnik o vodenju registra domacih i medunarodnih bibliografskih baza podataka IUS-a

  13 - Pravilnik o naučno-istraživačkoj / umjetničko-istraživačkoj djelatnosti i akademskim zvanjima


  15 - BOOK OF RULES ON PROCEDURE Of Effective Teaching Processes of the Academic Staff

  16 - Book of Rules on Incentives Policy and Financial Support

  17 - Book of Rules on Procedures Relating to Attendance at Academic Conferences at IUS

  18 - Course material submission form

  19 - Forma za predaju dokumentacije

  20 - Instruction on keeping records on the realization of teaching process, exams and completion of records

  21 - Uputsvo o vođenju i kompletiranju evidencije o realizaciji nastave i ispita

Double Diploma/Joint Programs/Double Degree

HR Regulations

IUS Center/Office Regulations

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
