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International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo


  Prof. Dr. Ahmet YILIDIRIM,  Rector

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kanita Karađuzović - Hadžiabdić, Vice- Rector for International Cooperation and Research

  Assoc. Prof. Muhammed Yasir Göz, Vice - Rector for General Affairs

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Edin Jahić, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ervin Kovačević, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ena Kazić-Çakar, Dean of the Faculty of Law

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emil Knezović, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Administration 

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Almasa Mulalić, Dean of the Faculty of Education

  Asst. Prof. Dr. Alma Hudović-Kljuno (representative of academic personnel from FENS Faculty)

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joseph Kaminski, (representative of academic personnel from FBA Faculty)

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orkun Aydin (representative of academic personnel from FASS Faculty)

  Senior Assistant Dr. Mirza Ljubović (representative of academic personnel from FLW Faculty)

  Asst. Prof. Dr. Dženana Bračković, (representative of academic personnel from FEDU Faculty)

  Hilal Karić, (Director of the IUS Lifelong Learning Center)

  Mirnes Mešanović (I cycle students' representative)

  Belma Oruč (II cycle students' representative)

  Sufyan Musah (III cycle students' representative)

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
