Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo was founded in Sarajevo in 2001 as a non-governmental organization with characteristics of endowment as it stated in the Law od Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Federal Ministry of Justice registered it as a legitimate institution whose sole purpose is to seek and create academic, material and legal conditions for the advancement of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A group of businessmen from Turkey and several intellectuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as founders, have been working jointly on the realization of Foundation plans. The founders agree that management and property of Foundation have a character of endowment.
The Board of Trustees of IUS
The Executive Committee of the Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo
The Assembly of the Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo
The Advisory Board of IUS
M.Sc. Şaban Erden (Member of the board)
İLİM YAYMA VAKFI (Representative Nurettin Alan Member of the board)
Dr. Mehmet Köse
Prof. Dr. Adem Baştürk
ENSAR VAKFI (Representative İsmail Şirin)
Mehmet Alacacı
Abdullah Baysak
KALEM VAKFI (Representative Musa Şahin)
İLİM YAYMA CEMİYETİ (Representative Mustafa Yelek)
TÜRGEV VAKFI (Representative Yasemin Solmaz)