IUS and its founder (Foundation for Education Development, Sarajevo) are proud to offer various scholarships and tuition waivers to successful young leaders, entrepreneurs, promising young academicians and artists, depending on availability on any given academic year.
Increases in tuition fees for Turkish students who registered in previous years and paid in Turkish lira will be published in March and April 2024.
For information on this, please visit: https://stipendija.ius.edu.ba
Turkish students apply for scholarships through YKS exams. For more information on scholarship opportunities from Turkey, please visit: https://aday.ius.edu.ba/burs-imkanlari-ve-ucretler
Scholarships awarded for undergraduate degrees are assured for a period of five (5) years, regardless of students’ academic success. The exception from this rule are students on 100% scholarship, who must maintain minimum level of CGPA at 3.00. Once CGPA decreases below 3.00, scholarship is reduced to 75% and kept as such for the remaining period (defined above). If a student did not manage to graduate within five years of full-time studying, the amount that the student will have to pay and the scholarship amount that the student gets will be defined by the Foundation.
*During their studies at the home university, students will pay the agreed amount of tuition, while during their studies at the partner university students will pay the amount of tuition determined by the partner.
Students enrolled in DDP will receive a 40% discount on the IUS tuition fee.
*During their studies at the home university, students will pay the agreed amount of tuition, while during their studies at the partner university students will pay the amount of tuition determined by the partner.
Students enrolled in DDP will receive a 40% discount on the IUS tuition fee.
*During their studies at the home university, students will pay the agreed amount of tuition, while during their studies at the partner university students will pay the amount of tuition determined by the partner.
Students enrolled in DDP will receive a 40% discount on the IUS tuition fee.
*The tuition fees are applicable for all students starting from the next 2024/2025 academic year.
Please contact graduateoffice@ius.edu.ba or visit our Graduate Affairs Office ( Hrasnička cesta 15, 71210 Sarajevo - 033 957 151) in person for detailed information.
Click here for online application!
Year 1: Must complete all courses (This may also include the thesis since the program is intended to be completed in 1 year)
Year 2: If there are any courses left for Year 2, students will pay 400 Euro per course per semester. If only the thesis is left, no fee will be paid.
Year 3 and more: If there are still courses left, the same 400 Euro per course per semester fee applies. If the student extends the thesis into the third year, they must pay 500 Euro per semester.
* Tuition fee for PhD studies at International University of Sarajevo (IUS) is 8.500 EURO. While IUS follows a 3-year/180 ECTS PhD structure, students with valid excuses may extend their studies by one year with no extra tuition charge. After the 4th year, additional charges will occur.
* The tuition fees are applicable for all students starting from the next 2024/2025 academic year.
PhD study at IUS is originated as three (3) years program – 180 ECTS.
Click here for online application!
These scholarships are awarded based on the results of the exam held at the IUS Campus for high school students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.
These scholarships include discounts, support, encouragement and high scholarship exam results provided to students who select a scholarship program from a Faculties/Departments/Programs listed in the ÖSYM Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide (also applicable for the English Language School for 100% scholarship students).
Candidates can check programs and test types in the 2022 ÖSYM Preference Guide on the link below. Candidates get preference counselling at our Istanbul Registration Office.
Students who got full scholarship are obliged to pay €300 for their ELS books.
Students who prefer university scholarship programs register in the AYT (Alan Yeterlilik Testi) exam Mathematical, Linguistic or Mathematical and Linguistic (combination) test and they enter the top 10,000 (the top 5,000 in the language test), their scholarships will amount to 100%.
It is intended for students who are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the death of a family member, natural disasters or other similar circumstances while studying at IUS. Students in this situation should submit a pettion to Students Affairs Office with supporting documents regarding their situation.
These scholarships are given to candidates who train/work in BiH and the region to support talented and high-achieving candidates in the fields of art and sports. Such students should submit a petition to Students Affairs Office with supporting documents with details about their status and success.
It is a 10% scholarship awarded to a newly enrolled student whose sibiling is studying at our university. This additional 10% sibiling discount is not applicable to students who have 50% scholarship or more.
Students who have immediate relatives who have worked at IUS for at least a year as administrative or academic staff, or work at other Foundation institutions, are eligible for a 50% scholarship.
These scholarships can be awarded to students in all undergraduate programs.
Students who are currently enrolled at another university may be eligible for a scholarship if they transfer to IUS based on their GPA.
Scholarships listed above are only available for applications submitted before the start of the academic year.
Special provisions
Scholarships are not applicable to the English Langauge School.
The Transfer Committee of the relevant faculty determines the transfer of courses taken at a vocational school. The information about the course transfer during registration is not certain.
Bosnian students have two options for financing their studies at IUS:
Option 1: Payment of full tuition fee prior to the beginning of fall semester
If a student decides to pay full amount of yearly tuition fees before the beginning of fall semester in particular academic year, he/she is given additional 5% discount on his/her tuition fee price.
Option 2: Payment via student loan at Ziraatbank Bosnia
Students who decide to finance their studies at IUS via student loan available at Ziraatbank Bosnia should follow the subsequent steps:
The deadline given for student loans applications is 5 working days from the study contract signing.
Guidelines for international students:
In the years to follow, students who are admitted via online application system will be asked to choose between:
Note: Students applying through consultancies/intermediaries should settle their payments according to relevant consultancy’s guidelines.
Internacionalni univerzitet u Sarajevu / International University of Sarajevo
186-000-1011-8452-42 (KM)
International University of Sarajevo
Ziraatbank BH d.d.
Zmaja od Bosne 47c , 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
BA39 186000-1611-8450-47
Please contact finance department for further information.
When paying with bank transfer, the " Full Student’s Name" and "Student’s ID Number or citizen number" should definitely be written in the description section.
For international payments it is mandatory to use "OUR" option.
Reciever: Internacionalni univerzitet u Sarajevu / International University of Sarajevo
Bank account: 186-000-1011-8452-42 (KM)
Receiver: International University of Sarajevo
Name and Address of the Bank: Ziraatbank BH d.d.
Address : Zmaja od Bosne 47c , 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
SWIFT Code of the Bank: TZBBBA22
IBAN CODE ( EUR ACCOUNT ) : BA39 186000-1611-8450-47
Please contact finance department for further information.
When paying with bank transfer, the " Full Student’s Name" and "Student’s ID Number or citizen number" should definitely be written in the description section.
For international payments it is mandatory to use "OUR" option.