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Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Cezeri Lab - Physics & General Mechanics Lab

Cezeri Lab is a fabrication laboratory named after Ismail El Cezeri, the so called "Father of Robotics". This laboratory provides access to the environment, skills, materials and advanced technology to allow anyone anywhere to make almost anything. The laboratory consists of several FDM 3D printers, DLP/SLA 3D printer, 3D scanner, CNC router, table lathe machine, circuit board plotter and many other useful devices and machines.

This lab is also used as a Physics laboratory. Physics laboratory aims at introducing undergraduate students with experiments related to mechanics, such as one and two dimensional motion, Newton's laws, energy, rotational motion, etc. In the Physics lab, students perform  experiments and laboratory exercises. They have an opportunity to practice their theoretical physics knowledge in a physics tutorial room which allows them to figure out physics concepts on their own. They also gain experience in performing procedures, collecting data, analyzing data, answering questions, and thinking of new questions to explore. 


The Physics laboratory includes the PASCO Comprehensive Physics Starter System, which enables conducting experiments with Optics Experiment Set, Mechanic (static-dynamic) Experiments Set, Thermodynamic Experiments Set and Wave Experiments Set. 

Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Workshop

The mechanical workshop aims to prepare students with the knowledge and ability to improve, evaluate, design and control safe, sustainable, and cost-effective technologies in order to make innovative and useful contributions to humanity. With this in mind, we seek to enhance both research and education and inspire new generations to create breakthrough solutions to serve all people.


The mechanical workshop is equipped with specialized capabilities to support research and student projects. The equipment which, are basic hand tools, drilling, cutting, MIG welding, electric arc welding, CNC laser cutter, most importantly industrial furnace, etc., can be used in assembling techniques, production techniques, designing and manufacturing techniques, standard welding techniques, diffusion welding, heat treatment, powder metallurgy, composite materials, etc. Those techniques or methods are widely used in the aeronautic industry, space industry, computer industry, arms or defense industry, etc. Next to the mentioned equipment and tools, the workshop is equipped with several material testing machines. Hardness testing machine, impact tester and universal hydraulic testing machine are used for the sake of testing and demonstrating the behavior and properties of certain materials.

 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electronics & Circuits Lab

This laboratory is equipped with the latest tools for analog and digital electronics, and signal processing. The electronic laboratory serves the undergraduate students and enables them to conduct basic experiments during tutorials of the relevant courses. Students will be familiar with electronic measurement techniques and tools, such as the oscilloscope, power supply, digital multimeter, and function generator. Furthermore, the laboratory accompanies the graduation projects of undergraduate and graduate-level students with PLC and other technical instruments.

 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Micro-controllers & Microprocessors Lab

This laboratory aims to allow students to practice the concepts they learn in microprocessors, embedded systems and PLC courses. The lab has various Arduino microcontrollers, C2000 Launchpad -microcontrollers from TI, Schneider Zelio PLCs, and MyRio data acquisition devices from national instruments.

Different kinds of IoT, embedded systems and industrial automation experiments can be designed and conducted in the lab.

 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Graduation Projects Workshop

This workshop contains all the necessary equipment a student needs to prototype any device or instrument. The students have access to CNC machines, a 3D printer, and an LPFK s104 milling machine. They are provided with various solders, workplaces, PCs, and wifi as well as either net connection to finish their work.

Genetics and Bioengineering
Genetics and Bioengineering

Student Tutorial Lab

Student Tutorial Lab is equiupped with microscopes. Students have the opportunity to learn about microscopy and to observe numerous microscopic samples of plant, animal and human tissues. Also, during the Lab tutorials, students make their own microscopic samples.This Lab is also wquipped with microbiological hood. Here students learn basic lab skills such as preparing microbiological media, plating the Petri dishes and inoculating them with bacterial cultures. Furthermore, student learn positive and negative gram staining tezhniques as well as observin bacterial samoles under the microscope.Sometimes assistants use this lab for introductory lessons where students are prepared for further experiments performed in Lab 2 or Lab 3.

Genetics and Bioengineering
Genetics and Bioengineering

Microbiology Lab

Genetics and Bioengineering

Genetics and Bioengineering
Genetics and Bioengineering

Cell Culture Lab

Cell culture is the process by which cells are grown under controlled conditions, generally outside their natural environment. It is one of the major tools used in cellular and molecular biology which provides excellent model systems for studying the normal physiology and biochemistry of cells, cell metabolism, cell homeostasis, the effects of drugs and toxic compounds on the cells, and mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Cell culture is also used as a model system for diseases and drug screening.

Currently, in our lab we have around 30 different cancer cell models including adherent cells and cells in suspension. 

Cell culture lab equipment includes:

  • Cell incubator
  • Cell culture hood      
  • Centrifuge
  • Autoclave      
  • Fridge/freezer
  • Cell counter  
  • Cell culture flasks
  • Media, sera, cell media additives
  • Cell culture-grade Petri dishes
  • Pipettes of various capacities
  • Cell culture-grade tubes of various sizes      
  • Serological pipettor
  • Sterile filters
  • Cell culture microwell plates            
  • Waste container
  • Gloves
  • 70% ethanol antiseptic         
Genetics and Bioengineering
Genetics and Bioengineering

Genetics and Molecular Biology Lab

Genetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory is used for Molecular Biology, Molecular Diagnostics, Genetic Engineering, Plant Proteomics, Forensics and Biochemistry. This laboratory aims to introduce DNA, RNA and protein extraction, quantification and analysis.


The laboratory is equipped with all necessary equipment, including qRT-PCR, two centrifuges, two analytical balances, two pH meters, heating block, stirring hot plate, vortex, orbital shaker, spectrophotometer, micropipettes, pipette gun, multichannel pipette, BIO RAD electrophoresis set, BIO RAD Western blot set, ChemiDoc XRS+ Imager, Microplate reader for RNA/DNA/protein quantification and all necessary softwares for complete and acurate data analysis.

Genetics and Bioengineering
Genetics and Bioengineering

Preparation Lab

Preparation Laboratory is the biggest lab, equiped with chemical hood for the purposes of General Chemicstry and Organic Chemistry lab tutorial. Also, students use the hood for RNA and DNA extraction with protocols that include TRIzol reagens. The lab also ahs Growth Chamber, used for plant growth under controlled conditions (temperature and light). The Preparation Laboratory also contains incubator for microbial growth and culture. Here, students also use -80 freezer to store cancer cell samples, DNA, RNA and protein samples, chemotherapy drugs, bacterial samples, plant samples, etc.

One part of the lab is equiped with icematic machine, autoclave and water distillation system. 

Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center

Tutorial Room

The RDC tutorial room is a multi-purpose educational space for education content delivery, interactive learning activities, interactive discussion, and active learning. Tutorials are designed to give you a space to engage more actively with the course content. They provide a much better opportunity to get to know your lecturers and fellow students than most lectures offer.


Architecture Laboratory

At present, the Architecture Program provides three large design studios for the students which will be used as both teaching and individual work spaces, with each student having 24-hour access to the studios. Also there is a student dedicated room where they can draw, make models and learn together.

The University’s book collection has more than 5.000 books and is constantly growing as the process of acquiring new books continues. Recently, the International University of Sarajevo and the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina had an agreement that allows the students and staff to share the resources. In addition, there is a specialist Architecture Reference Books Library located adjacent to the design studios. This preliminary library has over a 500 Architectural Reference Books at present.

The Faculty provides students with 24-hour access to a number of PC platform computer laboratories that are used for teaching as well as individual work and research. The computer laboratories are equipped with the latest technological devices and design software (including AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Google Sketch-up, AdobeCS5 applications and Rhinoceros) which is used worldwide. Printing facilities attached to the design studios also include standard laser printers as well as large format colour and plotter printers for AO+ sized printing.

IUS has also recently built a full-scale Architectural Model Lab for digital design and fabrication. The lab comprises the latest equipments and tools such as a laser cutter, CNC milling machine, drills and several other tools for model making.




Econ Lab fully meets the current needs of economic education and high-quality research. Econ Lab has a capacity of 20 computers equipped with Math Lab, SPSS, STATA and R-language.

Econ Lab computers are primarily used for statistical and economic analyses. In addition, it is possible to use lab to analyze economic data using spreadsheet software as well as for accounting and finance applications.


As far as the accounting and finance courses are concerned it is important to note that the following courses are taught in the Econ Lab: Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Introduction to Statistics, Econometrics, Business Finance, Corporate Finance, Managerial Finance and Risk Management. 

Computer Sciences and Engineering
Computer Sciences and Engineering

Computer Laboratory

Computer Science and Engineering study program currently has 3 computer labs at its disposal. Each lab can accommodate 25 students/computers concurrently. Although the politics of the University is to rely on free software solutions, the laboratories also come with a variety of popular professional software packages for students’ practice related to the curriculum of the CSE program and all are licensed by IUS. Additionally, CSE students can use the specially equipped electronics lab at the Electrical and Electronics Engineering study program for their electronics and hardware-related necessities.

The computer laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art 25 desktop computers donated by VODAFONE Turkey. LINUX based operating system is installed on the computers in the laboratory used for the network security and operating systems courses.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
